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Teressa Moore Griffin, "Unleash Your Genius!"
When: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 12:00 Noon EST

Teressa Moore GriffinTeressa Moore Griffin, M. Ed., is the author of LIES That Limit: Uncover the Truth Of Who You Really Are. 

She’s a certified Core Energetics Therapist and a personal growth coach helping individuals – with particular emphasis on C-level executives – get beyond the things that keep them stuck in relationships, careers and situations that stand in the way of success and satisfaction – their ability to be truly happy and fulfilled.

By employing the same lessons she has used to help C-level executives overcome professional obstacles, she now shows people how to be more prosperous and purposed-centered in their every-day lives.

She appears as a regular guest on FOX, KYW News and CBS and the Comcast Network and has contributed to numerous publications such as WorkingMother.com, SheKnows.com, Today’s Child and HealthyLiving.com.


Dr. Darlene Silvernail, Positive Psychology
When: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 12:30 pm EST

Dr. Darlene SilvernailDr. Darlene Silvernail  is an author, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and leader in the Behavioral Health sector of healthcare. Through her interactions, affiliation and relationships with state agencies, professional associations & programs; she has a reputation for being one of the best professional consultants in the field.

Darlene’s held numerous leadership positions in outpatient programs, residential treatment programs and counseling centers & has over 26 years of experience developing and implementing quality educational programs in the field of addictions treatment and psychology. 

She was a past nominee for the Robert woods Foundation Award, The Best Practice Award (2000) and the Sun Sentinel Community Leadership Award. Darlene also works in academia as a content expert & writer for major universities and was Director of the Psychology program at South University and teamed up with the women of PWN Books to write a series on empowerment. 



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