I had a beautiful encounter while food shopping earlier. I was buying vegetables and as is my nature I greet people to spread caring and connection. There was a man sitting in a cart nearby and we smiled at each other. I said to him with all sincerity, “You have the most beautiful smile.” He said “it’s God’s smile.”
We talked and he spoke of his life and his multiple challenges with cancer and his bountiful blessings. It was just then that I noticed his right leg was completely missing- amputated. Yet here was this man with a radiant smile and bright outlook filled with love instead of anger, faith and gratitude instead of callousness and hopelessness. We said our goodbyes and shared holiday greetings. Despite this man’s circumstances, he was feeling and espousing the beauty and wonder of life.
I began to think and marveled at his outlook as I resumed my shopping. What a blessing and sweet lesson for us. Whatever we face, we can be and can create beauty and love for ourselves, the world and for what we’re experiencing. No matter your spiritual beliefs, let faith, hope and love be your constant companions and you’ll be filled with much inner wealth.