What is empowerment and how do you know when you’ve arrived? You’ll find that answer and many more inside the engaging pages of “Empower Your Life!” As you read the revealing stories of individuals just like us who’ve had to overcome hurdles and even upheavals, something happens. You are led into their world and experience their challenges, yet much more than that: You ride the waves of change with them and bear witness to their transformations which serve you.
“How does it benefit me,” you wonder? Not only are you inspired, as your mind and heart are stirred; your own confidence is unleashed and ever-growing. You’ll also acquire strategies and cues to empower yourself even more than you are now. And you’ll find a voice within, maybe newly awakened, that urges you and whispers “if she can… why not me?”
There’s always something magical in storytelling, and more poignant if the story relates to a real person’s tale so we can truly identify with the protagonist. We get caught up in the storyteller author and her personal events, feelings and actions. And often, like a parable, wisdom and instruction are rooted within to guide us. We feel what is taking place. The emotional connection brings us closer to her and closer to carrying out our own journey to attain more fulfillment.
When Sue asked me if I’d be interested in writing the forward to this new book, I didn’t hesitate. I am truly honored and grateful to be a part of this journey with #SueUrda #KathyFyler, these wonderful authors and #PowerfulYou! Publishing.
Read these compelling stories that offer you hope and understanding as you gain the necessary courage to live more authentically, fully and powerfully. And as you share their peaks and valleys, their Aha moments and their thrilling victories, you will be encouraged and motivated; and you’ll be bolstered and ready for your own. #EmpowerYourLife right now.